Saturday, December 5, 2015

In Conclusion

Nursing will always be my number one pick when it comes to a career choice. Even though the schooling is stressful and takes a little while, I know I can get through it with the support system, motivation, and drive that I have.

And that's my awesome blog about nursing, hope ya'll enjoyed it!

Tips to Surive Nursing School

Tips to Survive Stress and Get Through Nursing School!!

1. Maintain a healthy lifestyle:
Taking care of you! Eating healthy, exercising, and drinking plenty of water  will help you become a better nurse.

2. Get a Good Nights Sleep:
This is one tip that will lead you to success in just about any career. Getting a sufficient amount of rest allows your mind to convert daily experiences into long-term memory.

3. Set Realistic, Measurable Goals:
To make the picture clearer, set goals for yourself along the way.

4. Find a Study Buddy:
Finding someone who can relate to what you are going through and help push your toward your goals can help reduce stress.

5. Prioritize and Deal with the Most Important Issue First:
The ability to prioritize is a critical skill for a nurse. You will see this come up a lot in your examinations so it will be helpful to become an expert while you are in school

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Nursing School

The timeline for becoming a registered nurse (RN) varies according to what type of formal education program an individual chooses. Aspiring RNs have their choice of 2-year associate's degree programs or 4-year bachelor's degree programs in nursing to gain training in this field; less commonly available are 3-year diploma programs held at hospitals.

Pediatric Average Salary

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Interview Time

I thought it would be a wonderful idea to interview one of my favorite nurses that I work with!!! This lovely lady is named Joni Neese, she is an LPN about to finish school for her RN.
I took the time to ask her a couple questions about nursing to get a good outlook on what to expect.

Question 1: How was nursing school for you?
Answer: Nursing school was a challenging experience but I learned a lot.

Question 2: What made you become a nurse?
Answer: Well I thought to myself, I'd make a pretty damn good nurse, because I feel that I am a very caring person and hard working. I love taking care of people.

Question 3: What's the toughest thing about being a nurse?
Answer: Knowing that you have someone else's life in your hands.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

What Do Pediatric Nurses Do?

As a pediatric nurse they generally first monitor their little patient. Checking their heights, weights, and development milestones. With doing so they are making sure their patients are growing and developing not only physically, but mentally as well. Pediatric professionals also check the patient over for any signs of illness or other issues to ensure that they are as healthy as possible. 

They also administer vaccinations, making sure that their patient is up to date with them.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Fact about Pediatric Nurses

Besides getting to care for appreciative patients, pediatric nurses enjoy slightly higher salaries and greater income potential than some of their peers.